Titre degradé
BANK OF AFRICA continues to stand out from its peers thanks to the distinction earned in a number of international rankings, the renewal of its certifications and its ongoing contribution within the CSR community to operational excellence and sustainability. The Group has continued to be awarded world-class certifications. These awards illustrate that it has tangibly delivered on its promise of excellence, social responsibility and service quality.

BANK OF AFRIVA the first African signatory in 2000 to UNEP FI's Statement of Commitment by Financial Institutions on the Environment and Sustainable Development

Environmental and Social (E & S) Risk Management System adopted in conjunction with the IFC in 2008.

Equator Principles (EP) voluntarily adopted by BANK OF AFTICA in May 2010. This body of standards provides a framwork for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social (E&S) risks in funded projects of USD 10 million or more.

Unites Nations Global Compact signed by BANK OF AFRICA, underlining its support for the ten principles relating to human rights, social and labour standards, environmental protection and combating corruption. first report, 'Communication on Progress' published online in October 2017 after obtaining 'Global Compact Active COPs' status in 2016.

BANK OF AFRICA's commitment to climate action is underlined by it joining the 'Mainstreaming Climate Action within Financial Institutions' initiative in 2016.

Founding member of Principles for Responible Banking in 2019 and Principles for Positive Impact Finance in 2017.

The first African bank to support China's Green Investment Principles for the Belt and Road (GIP)' initiative.

we4She's Gender Diversity Corporate Charter signed within the framework of the Africa CEO Forum.

The first Moroccan Bank to endorse Women's Empowerment Principles, a partnership initiative of the United Nations Global Compact and UN Women, as a universal banking group with multiple business lines.

Fonding member of the African Business Leaders Coalition (ABLC), a private-sector pioneering pan-African coalition committed to advancing sustainable growth in Africa.

BMCE Capital Gestion Compliant with the ISAE 3402 Type 2 Standard published by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) following an audit by Mazars, an advisory firm, and sees its services commitments and iso 9001:2015 certifications renewed following an external audit by Bureau Veritas Morocco.

Adhésion au programme mondial pour les normes de durabilité, les rapports intégrés et la réflexion intégrée.
En savoir plus sur la Politique Environnement et Energie adoptée par BANK OF AFRICA
En savoir plus sur la Politique Engagement et Sécurité au Travail
En savoir plus sur la culture d’entreprise et la politique RH de BANK OF AFRICA
Tableau: Emissions Gaz à Effet de Serre GES 2023 par Scope
Scope | tCO2e par Poste |
Scope 1 Sources fixes de combustion | 4.52 |
Scope 1 Sources mobiles de combustion | 118.15 |
Scope 1 Climatisation | 1 512.99 |
Scope 2 Consommation d'électricité | 18 544.21 |
Scope 3 Achats de produits ou services | 407.37 |
Scope 3 Immobilisations | 3 754.78 |
Scope 3 Déchets | 312.92 |
Scope 3 Transport de fonds et courriers | 4 645.78 |
Scope 3 Déplacements professionnels | 586.66 |
Total | 29887.38 |